God Is Sovereign (eBook - PDF Download)

God Is Sovereign (eBook - PDF Download)

Strategic Press

  • 999

The goal of doctrine in the Bible is always life change. Transformational theology resets our paradigms to the biblical vision for doctrine: life change through a holistic process, using only the word of God. We invite you to join the revolution in theological education!

In this third volume of Transformational Theology, God Is Sovereign, we examine a doctrine that has been an issue of great confusion for many centuries in the Church. Around the world, Christians have been split into two camps – one proclaiming that God is sovereign, the other responding that man is responsible for his actions.

Biblically, both positions are true. The Bible teaches both the sovereignty of God and the genuine responsibility of man. God does not ask us to figure out how this is possible. He simply tells us that both are true, and He expects us to believe and to act on that knowledge, whether or not we can reconcile it.

When we simply believe what God says in His Word, we receive extraordinary treasure. We receive the profound benefits of both positions while avoiding the errors that can come when each one is taken in isolation.

Let us fully embrace both treasures!

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